Volunteer in Miami-Dade County, Florida and Make a Difference

Are you looking for ways to give back to your community and make a difference in Miami-Dade County, Florida? There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available that can help you do just that. From helping out at the local park to assisting with public health initiatives, there are plenty of ways to get involved and make a positive impact. The Guardian Ad Litem Program of the 11th Judicial Circuit is one way to get involved. This program provides court-appointed advocates for children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned.

Volunteers can help these children by providing emotional support and advocating for their best interests. Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Florida is another great way to volunteer. This organization provides housing and support services for families with seriously ill children. Volunteers can help out by providing meals, organizing activities, and providing emotional support. Park Link is a great resource for finding volunteer opportunities in Miami-Dade County parks. From volunteer activities to summer camps and kayaking tours, Park Link connects you to your next adventure in the park.

All of the volunteer opportunities currently offered are available on Park Link, in the volunteer opportunities tab. The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade is also looking for volunteers for several programs, including its current activities related to COVID-19. UpSkill Miami will provide Miami-Dade County residents with access to jobs in MIAMI (July 18, 2020).A new report from ALICE shows an increase in the number of families struggling to pay for the basics in Miami-Dade County, Florida (July 17, 2020). You can find all of the currently available volunteer opportunities in Miami-Dade parks by searching the Park Link “Volunteer Opportunities” tab. Important public health information, including the alert for mosquito-borne diseases in Miami-Dade County and Mpox. If you're looking to make a difference in your community and give back to those in need, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities available in Miami-Dade County. So don't wait - start exploring your options today!.