Volunteer in Miami-Dade County, FL: Make a Difference in Your Community

Are you looking for ways to give back to your community during the holidays or special events? Miami-Dade County, FL offers plenty of volunteer opportunities for those who want to make a difference. Park Link is a great resource for finding volunteer activities in the area, with a wide range of activities from aquarist and poultry farmer to camp attendant and habitat restorer. You can also join the RMHC kitchen to prepare a homemade meal for 45-50 people, or help out at the Vizcaya Village agricultural market by answering questions from members. If you're looking for something more hands-on, you can join the Miami-Dade County volunteers and naturalists to help protect and restore natural areas in the natural centers surrounding the park.

This could involve weeding, pruning, planting, and removing invasive plants. You can also help out with streetcar rides for visitor services, or work on telephone campaigns for the membership department. The Humane Society is always looking for volunteers to help find homes for stray pets. And if you're looking for something more low-key, you can volunteer at your local library by archiving and organizing books and magazines, helping in the library office, sorting donated materials, and helping to prepare art and craft materials for children's programming.